Here is a small blue flower, common in the grass next to the lake:

A close up view of the bark of a birch tree (remember my creepy crawlies from a few weeks ago? The same tree, the same session. Just no bugs in this one!):

This is a close up of the fruiting bodies on some moss. Not as sharp as I would like, but I hope that a little bit (meaning a lot) of practice will help me to improve on that:

Thanks to all of you that visit my humble site to look at my pics. If you like them, let me know (I am always fishing for compliments), and tell your friends about the site. As spring moves into Michigan, and the migration picks up, I am hoping to get a new batch of bird and wildlife shots. Stay Tuned!
I really like these. (Fish no more!!) Especially the moss; very unique. Ahhh flowers. My dream of dreams is to make it through the winder and soggy spring to see flowers again.
Oh thank you Tess! I know I can always count on you to say nice things. The check is in the mail. Spring is coming my friend. Patience, patience. All too soon we will be complaining of the heat.