Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bay City State Recreation Area

It was a cold, early morning when I headed out on a photo expedition to the Bay City State Recreation Area. It is only a few minutes from home, but a nice place to go to get away from civilization. I really did not know what to expect in the way of photo opportunities. The spring birds have not migrated in yet, the snow is mostly gone, and is being replaced by mud. But I was pleased to see I managed to get some nice pictures.

Anyone who doubts that I went out at sunrise should take a look at the lone tree next to the Saginaw Bay. The sun was just creeping over the horizon at that point, painting the landscape in orange light.

My walk took me to the lagoon, which is still frozen over. It was very quiet, but the signs of sleeping life could be seen. A muskrat den covered in frost was nestled in the cattails.

Speaking of sleeping wildlife, I happened to glance up at a broken wood duck nesting box, and found that someone else had taken up residence. Although he would not show his face no matter what I did, I am sure this is a raccoon. Sound asleep, he had no intentions of waking up just so I could take his picture.

As I continued to walk around the lagoon, I heard a small flock of swans coming in for a landing. If they were expecting to find any open water, they were sadly mistaken.

One resident of the trees did cooperate, and let me take her picture. This tufted titmouse seemed very happy to let me photograph her.

Finally, I could not help but take this "self portrait" of my shadow against an hollow, burnt out stump.

I took many more pictures, especially of birds. Perhaps I will show those sometime soon. Thanks for visiting, and please leave a comment if you liked my pictures.


  1. What a productive day! These are outstanding. And you say you're jealous of my otters...pshaw!
    Beautiful sunrise. Sorry your lil sleeper wouldn't pose. Such a diva!

    And so I'll profess my swan envy and come back again soon. I hope you had fun. These are great shots.

  2. Thanks again, as always, Tess. The pics turned out better than I thought they would while I was taking them. I will seek out swans just for you. Stay tuned!
