But the sun is low in the sky, backlighting the shore plants and making them glow. They look like they come from a dream. You can almost see the silence of the open fields in them.

As I walk, I look down. A small twig, set in a frozen footprint, has not yet seen the morning rays of sun. Frosty ice crystals have grown on it, looking like a fine cut glass ornament. A moment in time is captured, for soon the twig will warm, and the crystals will disappear.

Finally it is time to leave, and as I drive slowly out, back toward civilization, I see a shape in the field, through the bushes and weeds. I gently brake, and silently get out of the truck. Crouching low, I step as quietly as I can to get a better view. The deer has seen me, and keeps careful watch. But he allows me to take his picture, before he runs off. Many of his friends are there, and I take their pictures too. Perhaps I will share those another day.

But now I travel home again. But that is not the end of wildlife. But I will tell you about that tomorrow.
I love the wholesomeness in the first two combined with the grey back drop; almost ominous. The third with its rigidity and softness was a great find and of course...the deer. What a productive Saturday. Kudos Sir! Your love for this is very apparent. Thank you for sharing.