I know that I am suppose to be posting the second half of my Autumnal pictures, but I wanted to share something else first. Our nice autumn weather was interrupted over the last couple of days by a very strong wind and rain storm. Steady winds in excess of 40 mph overnight pushed the water of Lake Huron into the Saginaw Bay, and up into the Saginaw River. During the peak, before sunrise, the waves were much greater than you will see here. By the time I got out this morning, the winds were started to subside.
Veterans Park boat launch, Bay City: The debris on the pavement washed up during the night, showing how far over the banks the waves were pushing.

The boat launch: The docks are completely submerges, illustrating how high the water level is.

The lower deck across the river should be about a foot above the water, not a foot below the surface.

A tree down across a road. Fortunately, most of the leaves have already fallen, so there were surprisingly few trees down.

Loose shingles on a roof.

Luckily, our damage was limited to my plastic patio furniture being blown off my deck. This may not have been the Storm of the Century, or even the Decade, but it was pretty impressive nonetheless. Come back soon to see the rest of my shots from our hike the other day.