Thursday, May 26, 2011

Flowers and Critters

More pictures from our recent camping trip.  The spring wildflowers were in bloom, and an old friend made an appearance.

The crabapples were in bloom…


and so was this little flower.


Here we have both flowers and a critter.  An unknown insect on a wild strawberry.


Critter or pest?  I am not sure really, but there is something interesting about the tent caterpillar webbing on this young tree.


And here is an old friend from last year.  I am glad to see he is still hanging around, yelling at me when I try to take his picture.


I hope you enjoyed my humble pictures.  I am glad you stopped by.  There are still more to come from this camping trip.  We have not even gotten to the bikes…


  1. I think my favorite is the cherry blossom. It's simple with a burst if contrast and texture. Of course it's always good to see Chippie. Nice to see that your model kept off the winter weight. (it's SO hard ya know). I loved the "boldness" of his stance and then his "coy" attitude; needing to hide under a leaf. Models of such quality can be Prima donnas. ;)

    These are some really great,fun shots. Nicely done as always. I'm glad you shared them. Thanks!!

  2. I do love the one of chippie and the leaf too. These little critters do have a lot of personality. Now, if they would just hold still for longer than a second....

    Thanks for visiting. I love your comments.
