Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowpocolypse 2011

It was on the news for the past 2 day – we are about to be hit by “The Storm Of The Century”.  Grab your loved ones!! Rush to Walmart to stock up on milk and canned beans.  How can we survive?!?!?!  Heaven Help Us!!!!! 

Folks, this is Michigan.  It is snow.  Deal with it. 

Ok, we did get hit by a pretty powerful blizzard last night and into this morning.  It was not the storm of the century.  Maybe not even the storm of the decade, but it probably was the storm of the year.  We got between one and two feet of new snow, and some pretty impressive drifts.  I truly feel sorry of those who live in the country and have to deal with the drifting roads.

Hear are a few shot from my house.  The do not do justice to the drifts, or to the blowing and snowing that was going on.  If nothing else, they should make us all appreciate summer more.

Here is what I found when I went to let the dog out this morning.  Actually, the ground is bare just a couple feet from the drift.  Our little terrier made a wonderful leap and cleared the drift completely.


The backyard.  Our poor van is buried!


Some shots of the front walkways.  It gives a bit of an idea of how deep the snow is.


The dog across the street had the right idea.


What the pictures do not show is the drift that totally engulfed my work car.  It took four of us working for a couple hours to get it out.

Keep warm friends, summer is on the way.


  1. Wow. You got crushed. Shovel shovel shovel. It's never ending.

    So how much IS that doggie in the window? I can't believe your Shelby; jumping around like that. Silliness.

    At least you are out and mobile! Now drive fast and buy lots of bread!!!!

    Be safe my friend.

  2. It was a pretty heavy storm. I have seen worse, and it was only one (unlike what some folks I know out east have been getting!) Shelby is a terrier, so leaping canine is to be expected. That is why we call her Psychodog after all!
    Thanks for visiting, yap at you soon.
