Sunday, January 23, 2011

Frozen Fish

And Frigid Photographers

Yesterday morning I went out to the Saginaw river to try to capture the essence of the day.  And that essence was….. COLD.  I do not know how those ice fisherman do it.  I was shivering and dying – and I had not even gotten out of the car yet.  I had some frost on the nose by the time I finished, but I expect I will warm up soon.  By the way, did I mention the wind chill was about 20 below zero?



  1. You know, I hear this is fun but I'm struggling with it. Noooo I'd rather stay inside and giggle and point with a mug of something warm in my hands. Brave souls. Oh yes they are. I love some of these nature shots. The wintry weeds are great. I can hardly tell that hypothermia and exposure are about to close in.... ;)

    Thank you as always. These are great and I'm such a fan.

  2. Thanks Tess, I love the wintery looks too. Now if I was not such a winter wimp I could go out and get more great shots. Oh well, maybe tomorrow....
