The weather finally took a turn toward spring over the last few days, and Saturday morning I was able to get out with the camera. I headed to my favorite spot of open water on the river, and I was not disappointed. The usual crowd of ducks, mergansers and geese were there, plus another regular visitor.
Some of the mergansers I mentioned did not like me walking up to their spot on the water, so they literally took off to the other end of the swimming hole.

Common mergansers.

Looking down the spot of open water, you see ducks, geese, mergansers, and someone else looking over the whole scene.

How about a closer look at that majestic observer.

Spring must be approaching, the gulls are starting to come back. I think they look a little miffed that most of the river is still ice covered.

One of my favorites is the Hooded Merganser, who is hanging out with some mallards. Or I like to call it, the Punk Duck.

Not everyone is back though. Some of the homes are still closed up for winter, awaiting the return of their warm weather occupants.

Even though I did not visit anyplace too exotic, it was good to get out with the sunrise and watch a bit of nature. I hope you enjoyed my selection.