As a rule, I do not post pictures of myself. After all, do people really want to log on to this site to see me? Today however I will make something of an exception. You see, I have not been able to do much photography lately, for reasons that will become apparent shortly. I did, however have some interesting pictures taken of myself recently, so I have decided to share them.
Here is the first shot, a picture taken by my Chiropractor, Dr. Link. I had gone in to see him for some neck pain. The x ray he took of me is shown here:
For comparison, here is an x ray of a “normal” neck.
Well, after seeing some deformed vertebrae he sent me back to my regular doc, who ordered more “pictures”. The picture he ordered of my neck, specifically an MRI, looked something like this (this in not my actually scan, but mine did look a lot like this):
See how the spinal cord is pinched? Here is what a normal spine should look like:
Anyway, all of this led to a visit to the hospital, where yet another doctor worked some surgical magic on me. The result is this final picture of me (take with a webcam, sorry for the poor quality):
I want to thank everyone for they prayers and kind wishes before, during and after my recent neck surgery. Everything has gone very well, and I am recovering nicely. A couple weeks in the neck brace, and some recuperation, and I will be back taking pictures in no time!