Well, my wife pulled a big surprise on me for Fathers Day this year. When I got home from work on Friday, I was informed we are going camping. No more information, only that I was to be packed and ready to go by 8:30 the next morning. Sure enough, by 8:30, Wendy, Alex and I were on the road (Will had to work that weekend, more on that later). Oh, and our two canine old ladies, Shelby and Maggie.
But still, I had no idea where we were heading. Finally, after a couple hours driving, I figured it out. She was taking me home. We were on our way to Jonesville Michigan, the town where I grew up. I had not been there for about 10 years, since my dad moved out of town. For several years I have wanted to go back down for a visit, but just never did.
We arrived about noon, got settled into Way Back In Campground (a very aptly named place), and had some lunch. Then we went into town.
The first stop was the most important. It had been 10 years since I had visited Mom. I miss her every day, and I felt bad I had not been to the cemetery in so long. But I finally got to visit her, along with my grandparents.

While at the cemetery we also visited the new veterans memorial. I did not know it was there. Very beautiful!

The next stop was to visit the old homesteads. I spent the second half of my childhood in this house. Other than the sculpture on the front porch, and the satellite dish, it has not changed.

The first years of my life were spent around the corner, in a big old victorian. This house, however, has changed completely. It was bought by a local school, and turned in to a resident facility.

Ok, this one is not a house that I lived in, although sometimes it felt like it. This is where my best friend lived. Look familiar Jeff?

And the elementary school I attended. It is a bit bigger now, but still the same place.

We saw a lot more of town, and even drove up to Hillsdale to look around. It was a wonderful trip, and it was so nice to see that town. I have missed it so. And now for the campground…….
There are few seasonal lots there, and you can tell which campers are basically permanent.

Ah, but don’t let that fool you. The owners are wonderful people, and the “residents” were friendly and quiet. The same cannot be said about the visitors that set up next to us. But that is a story for another day.
This was also the first camping trip with our newest family member, Maggie. She tolerated it, but I think she would prefer to be home.

Shelby on the other hand is an old pro at camping, and just loves it when we go out.

Oh, and about Will and his job. He had to work Saturday night, so he arranged a ride to and from work. And a bit after 10 pm, Wendy’s phone rang…It was Will, just letting us know he was home from work. We never asked him to call, he just did. Hmm maybe he is not such a bad kid after all