I headed out early this morning to one of my favorite haunts, Nayanquing Point Wildfife Refuge. I decided to walk a trail I have not visited before. It was a perfect morning…the only sounds were the breeze and the birds, the sun was shining but it was not yet hot. And the birds were plentiful. Here a some shots of the birds, and the flowers, and the critters……..
Here is a catbird…
And a ring billed gull. Not that they are uncommon…
Not sure who put the bees here
Staghorn Sumac…
And a cute little bunny wabbit.
Crown Vetch
Maybe my favorites of the day, the Belted Kingfisher.
Thanks to lovely wife, the wildflower guru, I can now identify this as Birdsfoot Trefoil.
Ok, maybe this is my favorite of the day.
Never turn down an opportunity to take a picture of a Great Blue Heron.
Several Tree Swallows perched in, well, a tree.
Uh oh, maybe THIS is my favorite of the day. A Common Tern in flight.
I never did identify this pretty purple wildflower. I did not ask Wendy for help with this one.
Lets end with a Great Egret flying overhead.
It has been too long since I have gotten out for a quiet walk and safari. I am glad I made it today. The beautiful cool weather made up for the scorching heat of later in the day. I am glad you stopped by. Please tell your friends, and let me know what you think.